By |2023-08-27T17:43:35+01:00August 26th, 2023||

A blisteringly hot summer day. Psychotherapist Ina notices something is wrong with her. But she doesn't have time to worry about it: Patients are waiting at the practice, her daughter is threatening to move in with her father, her boyfriend wants to emigrate to Finland, and her self-centered mother is celebrating her 70th birthday. Ina wants to please everyone. But then everything changes. BEST SCREENPLAY @ 39th Int'l Film Fest Munich 'Pointed, full of quiet suspense, never losing its fine line and lightness' (Filmfest München) 'Anne Ratte-Polle in brilliant top form' (Festival des deutschen Films) 'With an outstanding Anne Ratte-Polle' '...magnificently authentic' (artechock.de) 'Fine and refined' (Süddeutsche Zeitung) 'The film is very funny... very truthful. The film has a beautiful tragedy. Definitely go in. Great [...]