The Fell We Climb

By |2023-08-27T16:59:21+01:00August 26th, 2023||

The Fell We Climb is an animated short film inspired by the real life experiences of black and brown youngsters growing up in Cumbria. Hamira must find her voice and courage in the hope to create an anti-racist future for all. The Fell We Climb reveals an inside look at what it’s like to grow up in Cumbria if you’re not white and to inspire and motivate us all to become actively anti-racist.

Natural Causes

By |2023-08-27T19:15:17+01:00August 26th, 2023||

When downtrodden carer Carl finds his cantankerous bed-ridden Uncle Derek dead, he’s finally free! He announces the death via a text but when Derek turns out to be playing another practical joke and in fact alive, and family arrive to pay their “respects”, Carl wrestles with whether to reveal the truth or…to make Derek dead again.

The Nightingale

By |2023-08-27T19:14:08+01:00August 26th, 2023||

Set in London and inspired by real-life events, The Nightingale follows Grace, a second-year university student, on her reckless and dangerous path through the different stages of PTSD. With unflinching honesty, the film explores the lasting impact of sexual assault and the courage it takes to overcome it. In a society that often silences survivors, The Nightingale amplifies the voices that demand to be heard. Grace studies Arts and Humanities at a London University. She loves Uni and sings at the student radio, where she is nicknamed The Nightingale, by her friend Michael. Michael works as a presenter and DJ when he’s not in a lecture with Grace. He’s vibrant, charismatic and sees people’s potential. Grace lives with Isla a friend she met on her [...]


By |2023-08-27T16:59:22+01:00August 26th, 2023||

RIGHT PLACE, RIGHT TIME…WRONG NUMBER A wrong number phonecall from a suicidal Irishman on a remote train platform leads to a trainee vicar saving his life…by mistake. 1 phone call, 2 locations, shot simultaneously in 1 take. The phone call is presented to the audience in split screen so they can choose their own journey. When Cillian arrives at the platform just before sunrise, aiming for a permanent departure from life in Limerick, he can’t figure out why there are no trains. Not to be beaten, he calls the information line for help and gets far more than he bargained for, when the person that answers is a hopelessly inadequate priest, utterly oblivious to Cillian’s psychodrama. This project started as a 2 hander play. It [...]

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