Avocado Toast the series SEASON 2

By |2022-10-22T17:36:41+01:00October 12th, 2022||

With Molly and Elle’s friendship left hanging in question, we start season 2 with Molly in London, England facing both her heartbreak from ‘The One’ and her new endometriosis/adenomyosis diagnoses. Back in Toronto, Elle has found herself a member of “Community”, a retreat where she went to recoup after a nervous breakdown. What was meant to be a 2-week mental health break is now going on 5 months... and the fact that it is definitely a cult is clear to everyone but Elle. Meanwhile, the ambitious Jordan has been juggling the ad agency he and Elle had started on his own. But when a high-stakes client requires him to go retrieve Elle he finds a very different version of his old workaholic/party-girl friend. In [...]

Ages of Man

By |2022-10-22T17:36:41+01:00October 11th, 2022||

An anthology fiction short where three men find themselves in vulnerable positions with three women. This comedic horror drops the audience in the middle of stories about the invisible labor that women perform every day, the labor that makes the world go round. The vignettes depict these particular men’s lack of awareness to what supports their sense of self and well-being, and thus revealing a blind spot: they can’t tell whether they’re being saved, destroyed, or replaced. First, Anna saves Leo’s life. He is having a heart attack in a park and she administers CPR. He responds with a random act of violence. Her life, at a moment she was feeling herself, is interrupted by his need. In his state, he doesn’t compute that Anna [...]


By |2022-10-22T17:36:42+01:00October 11th, 2022||

It's 2010 and the last day of school before summer. Morey, an anxiety fuelled mentor living a life devoid of purpose, is quietly descending into a breakdown as he arrives to pick up his rebellious and sometimes violent teenage student, Jackson. The tension only intensifies when their intended photography trip leads to an altercation on a train, forcing the pair into a nearby forest where they have a cathartic exchange that changes them forever.


By |2022-10-22T17:36:42+01:00October 11th, 2022||

Ethnically vague, racially ambiguous, too dark, not dark enough...yes, these are real life comments from the industry. This short spies on the audition process and opens our eyes to what it's like for mixed race actors in the industry today. These rooms see some of the most cringe-worthy moments for actors who are desperately trying to showcase their skill and exposes the pressure that is put on them to tick all of the right boxes. An awkward, vulnerable and funny look into the cost of putting yourself out there and just how far we still have to go with working out our preconceptions. A call to action to dismantle prejudices and lead with respect and kindness within this industry. Written by South Asian & [...]

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